Joglekar Associates Inc.
2820 Fountain Lane North
Minneapolis, MN 55447
Ph: 763-476-1449
Fx: 763-475-3823 |
Dr. Anand Joglekar
Anand Joglekar is a leading statistics educator and consultant to
industry. Dr. Joglekar received M.S. degree in engineering from
IIT, Bombay and Ph.D. degree in engineering with extensive statistics
education from University of Wisconsin, Madison. He worked as a
statistics consultant, manager of statistics department and manager
of new product development at The Pillsbury Company. He then joined
Honeywell as manager of strategic planning and worked in several
positions including director of quality improvement. He has many
publications and conference presentations to his credit and is a
sought after presenter in industry. He is the author of a book titled
Statistical Methods for Six Sigma
published by John Wiley & Sons in 2003.
In 1990, Dr. Joglekar founded Joglekar Associates
which is focused on helping industry achieve business successes
through statistical methods. He has implemented statistical methods
in areas such as research, product design, process design, manufacturing,
analytical science, and management. He has taught statistical methods
to thousands of industry participants. His customers include major
companies in automotive, biotechnology, computer, chemical, defense,
food, medical device, mining, packaging, pharmaceutical, semiconductor
and many other industries. He has also taught statistics courses
for industry associations such as the Institute of Food Technologists,
American Association of Cereal Chemists and American Institute of
Chemical Engineers.
Dr. Joglekar's training and consultation
leads to rapid results and successes for the client companies. He
is credited with being a superb communicator of statistical methods
and thereby successful in getting the industrial technical community
to use these methods to make significant improvements. These success
stories include huge cost savings, dramatic cycle time reductions,
and rapid growth due to improved quality and superior product designs.
You may contact him at Anand@joglekarassociates.com.