Joglekar Associates Inc.
2820 Fountain Lane North
Minneapolis, MN 55447
Ph: 763-476-1449
Fx: 763-475-3823 |
Joglekar Associates is a leader in providing training
and consulting on statistical methods for six sigma and business
excellence. Our focus is on helping you achieve business successes
through the judicious use of statistical methods.
Founded by Dr. Anand Joglekar in 1990, Joglekar
Associates has helped many Fortune 100 as well as medium and small
size companies. The benefits to our customers include huge cost
savings, dramatic cycle time reductions, and rapid growth through
superior product designs, process designs, manufacturing and quality.
Over the past decade, we have built a track record
of satisfied customers by providing the following services:
- First-rate, cutomized statistics education
- Experience-based consulting services and software
- Management education
- Creation and promotion of success stories
- Technology transfer including train-the-trainer
and developing subject matter experts